Directions to Bodyworks by Ash Studio

Nearest cross street: Nature Walk Pkwy and Old County Rd 210

We’re located on the Southside of Jacksonville in St. Johns county near the intersection of St. Johns Pkwy Road and Old County Road 210, in an office park called Offices @ Johns Creek.

If you're approaching from the north, travel south on I-95 and take the exit to State Road 9B. Continue south for 2 miles, proceed south down St. Johns Pkwy Road, then turn right onto Old County Rd 210. There, turn left onto Nature Walk Pkwy and spot the office park on your right.

Please look for the sign 'Offices @ Johns Creek' and continue to suite #106 on your left, which is located inside 'Turmeric Beauty Care'.


Please don't hesitate to give me a call if you need assistance at (409) 333-2092‬.